Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam – Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam is a valid travel document issued to Malaysian citizens residing in Sabah, Sarawak and Federal Territory of Labuan for the purpose of entering Brunei Darussalam.
Application can be made at Immigration Office in Sabah, Sarawak and Federal Territory of Labuan.
Validity for Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam
Valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of issue.
Where To Apply for Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam
- Any Immigration Office in Sabah, Sarawak and Federal Territory of Labuan
- Applicant must appear before the Immigration officer.
Fee for Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam
RM 50.00
Requirements for Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam
Applicant is 18 years and above
Born in Malaysia:
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- If the applicant is not in possession of MyKad, Temporary Certificate (JPN.KPPK 09 or 11) AND birth certificate is required.
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm )
Born abroad:
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- Form W/ Birth Certificate/ Certificate of Status
- Travel document used for return to Malaysia.
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Applicant is Army Official
- Army Identification Card
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Applicant is Police Official
- Police Identification Card
- Birth Certificate
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Applicant is under 18 years
Born in Malaysia:
- Identification Card(MyKad)
- Birth Certificate
- Parent’s Identification Card( parent must appeared in person together with applicant)
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background
Born outside Malaysia:
- Form W or Birth Certificate / Certificate of Status
- Travel document used for return to Malaysia.
- Parent’s Identification Card( parent must appeared in person together with applicant)
- A2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Deceased Parents:
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- Birth Certificate
- Deceased Death Certificate
- Statutory Declaration from legitimate guardian
- Guardian’s Identification Card or valid passport (for foreigner)
- Identification Card of the living parent
- A2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Divorced parents:
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- Birth Certificate
- Court order of child custody
- Divorced Certificate
- Identification Card of legal guardian
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Parents cannot be traced:
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- Birth Certificate
- Statutory Declaration and verification from village head (Penghulu/Ketua Kampung)
- Guardian’s Identification Card or valid passport (for foreigner)
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
Adopted Child:
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Adoption
- Guardian’s Identification Card or valid passport (for foreigner)
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
- Identification Card (MyKad)
- Marriage or Divorce Certificate
- 2 copies of recent photograph with light blue background (3.5 X 5 cm)
For replacement, please bring along existing passport.